논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제28권 제3호 2010년

3개의 배양액내에서 생쥐배아의 발달과 Pronase로 처리한 생쥐배아 부화율의 비교 연구

전북대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실

이정헌, 이정헌,고희정,채규정,이기숙,김종덕

Comparative Study on Development of Mouse Embryos in Three Commercial Media and Hatching Rates of Mouse Embryos with/without Pronase

Jeong Heon Lee, Hee Jeong Go, Geu Jeong Chae, Ki Suk Lee, Jong Duk Kim

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonbuk National University Hospital, Jeonju, Korea

Objectives: The purpose of this present study was to compare mouse embryo development in 3 commercial media and hatching competence of mouse embryo with or without enzymatic treatment. Methods: Collected 375 mouse embryos were divided into three groups, and then cultured in IVF-20 (G2), Medicult IVF (M3), P-1 (blastocyst M), respectively. Three day mouse morulae were cultured in G2 media treated with pronase. The results were analyzed using Chi-square test, and considered statistically significant when p<0.01. Results: The developmental rate of 2 cell mouse embryo after 72 hours was highest in IVF-20 (G2) among conventional 3 media. The hatching rate of mouse morulae was low when clultured in G2 media without pronase during 48 hours. However, it was higher when cultured in media treated with l mg/ml, 2.5 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml pronase, respectively. Conclusions: Using good media and digestion of zona pellucida with enzymatic treatment improve development and hatching rate of embryo. Therefore, implantation and pregnancy rate could be improved.

키워드 : Mouse, Media, Pronase

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