논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제30권 제1호 2010년

반복 배아 이식이 임신율에 미치는 영향: 이식관의 점액 유무

인천 서울여성병원 산부인과, 불임센터

정병준, 김종식,권처진,유미진,김명신

Multiple Attempts at Embryo Transfer do not Adversely Affect In-vitro Fertilization Pregnancy Rates: Related Mucus Contamination

Jung BJ

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infertility Center, Seoul Womens Hospital, Incheon

Objective: We investigate the effects of multiple attempts of embryo transfer because of retained embryos in the catheter and of contaminated mucus on the transferred catheter. Materials and Methods: We respectively analysed data between November 1998 and August 2002 from 305 patients of 369 cycles who underwent IVF-ET. Of these patients, 47 patients of 50 cycles (Group 2) were required multiple trial of embryo transfer. They were compared with an age-matched control groups (Group 1) with female factor infertility. Pearsons c2 and Fishers tests were used to compare proportions between discrete variables. Non- categorical data were compared using t-test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Embryos were significantly more likely to be retained when catheter was contaminated with mucus (Group 1: 22.4%; Group 2: 44.0%). The clinical pregnancy rates, however, for the contaminated mucus or not, were 46.8%, 43.5% respectively. There was no significant difference clinical pregnancy rate between those who had all their embryos transferred at the first attempt (45.4%) and those who required more than one attempt (48.0%). Conclusions: Contaminated mucus in the catheter is associated with failed embryo transferred at the first attempt. Embryo transfers, however, that are repeated attempts do not adversely affect pregnancy rates following IVF-ET.

키워드 : Retained embryos, Mucus contamination, IVF-ET

교신저자 : byeongjj@orgio.net
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