논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제30권 제1호 2010년

난자공여를 통한 체외수정 시술에서 성선자극호르몬 유리호르몬 효능제 장기요법과 길항제 단기요법 사이의 임상 결과 비교

계명대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실

이정호, 박준철,김종인

The Comparison of Clinical Outcomes between GnRH Agonist Long Protocol and GnRH Antagonist Short Protocol in Oocyte Donation Cycles

Rhee JH

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea

Objective: To assess and compare the clinical outcomes between GnRH agonist long protocol and GnRH antagonist short protocol in oocyte donation program. Materials and Methods: Of total 18 oocyte donation cycles, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) were performed with GnRH agonist long protocol and GnRH antagonist short protocol in initial 9 cycles and later 9 cycles, respectively. Oral estradiol valerate and progesterone in oil were administrated to all recipients for endometrial preparation. Oral estradiol administration was started from donor cycle day 1 after full shut down of gonadal axis with GnRH agonist in patients with ovarian function. Progesterone was injected from oocyte retrieval day of donor initially, then continuously till pregnancy 12 weeks if pregnancy was ongoing. We compared the parameters of clinical outcomes, such as number of the retrieved oocytes, fertilization rate, high grade embryo production rate, clinical pregnancy rate, implantation rate, ongoing pregnancy rate, COH duration, total gonadotropin dose for COH between GnRH agonist long protocol group and GnRH antagonist group. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test, p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The number of retrieved oocytes, fertilization rate, high grade embryo production rate, clinical pregnancy rate, implantation rate, ongoing pregnancy rate were 14.89¡¾7.83, 81%, 64%, 78%, 31%, 78%, respectively in GnRHa long protocol group and 11.22¡¾8.50, 79%, 64%, 67%, 34%, 56%, respectively in GnRH antagonist group. There was no significant differences in parameters of clinical outcomes between 2 groups (all p value >0.05). Duration and total gonadotropin dose for COH were 10.94¡¾1.70 days and 43.78¡¾6.8 vials in 18 cycles, 12.00¡¾1.73 days and 48.00¡¾6.93 vials in agonist group, 9.88¡¾0.78 days and 39.55¡¾3.13 vials in antagonist group, respectively. In GnRH agonist long protocol group, significantly longer duration and higher gonadotropin dose for COH were needed (p= 0.012). Conclusion: In oocyte donation program, clinical outcomes from controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with GnRH antagonist were comparable to those from GnRH agonist long protocol group, so controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with GnRH antagonist may be effective as GnRH agonist long protocol. At least there may not be harmful effects of GnRH antagonist on oocyte development and quality.

키워드 : Oocyte donation cycles, Clinical outcomes, GnRH agonist long protocol, GnRH antagonist short protoco

교신저자 : r1670416@dsmc.or.kr
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