논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제1호 2010년

체외수정시술시 Sequential ET의 효용성에 관한 연구

인제대학교 의과대학 일산백병원 산부인과, 인천 서울산부인과 불임클리닉

정병준, 김종식, 송현진,

Effect of Sequential Embryo Transfer in vitro Fertilization

Byeong Jun Jung, Jong Sik Kim, Hyun Jin Song

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine, University of Inje, Ilsan Paik Hospital Infertility Clinic, Seoul Obstetrics & Gynecology, Inchon

Objective: The objective of the this study is to nfluence of sequential embryo transfers in an in-vitro fertilization was examined. Method: After in vitro fertilization, a maximum of 6 fertilized oocytes was enrolled in this study. At day 3 after an oocytes retrieval, embryos with good quality were transferred (mean 4.9), remaining embryos (mean 2.0/cycle) were cryopreserved at blastocyst stage (Group 1). At day 5 after oocytes collection, second a embryo transfer (mean 1.2/cycle) was performed, if one of these embryos had reached the blastocyst stage (Group 2) using P1 supplemented with 10 SSS and 30% Follicular fluid. No statistical difference in the pregnancy rate could be seen between the group without a second embryo transfer (n=21; 28.6%) and the group with a second transfer (n=52; 28.8%). Results: The incidence of multiple pregnancy rate per embryo transfer was not statistically different between both group and no high-rank multiple pregnancy (greater than triplete) were observed (0.9%, 15.4%, respectively, p=0.74, x2). Out of 114 cycles (506 embryos) cultured embryos in group 2, 52 cycles (159 embryos, 29.8%) reached the blastocyst stage. Conclusion: The second transfer did not have a significant effect on the pregnancy rate. The most important factor for the pregnancy seems to be the quality of the embryos transferred on day 3 following oocyte retrieval. We recommend embryo transfer is performed only one, day 2~3 or D5.

키워드 : Sequential embryo transfer, Blastocyst

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