논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제3호 2010년

시험관 아기 시술에서 여성의 연령이 수정란의 질과 다태 임신 발생에 미치는 영향

을지대학부속병원, 불임연구실, 산부인과1, 을지병원 의과학연구소2

이명섭, 박장옥, 정지학1, 박준숙1. 강희규2, 김동훈2, 이호준2,

Influence of Maternal Age on Embryo Quality and Frequency of Multiple Pregnancy in IVF-ET Program

Myeong Seop Lee, Jang Ok Park, Ji Hak Jung1, Jun Suk Park1, Hee Gyoo Kang2, Dong Hoon Kim2, Ho Joon Lee2

Laboratory of infertility, 1Department of OB/GY, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon 301-726; 2medical Science Institute, Eulji Medical Center, Seoul 139-711, Korea

Objective: This study was performed to evaluate the influence of maternal age on embryo quality and the frequency of multiple pregnancy in IVF-ET program. Method: 86 conventional IVF-ET cycles were divided into three groups according to the age by 5 year (group A: 26-30, group B: 31-15, group C: 36-40 yrs). The in vitro fertilization and development outcome (fertilization, cleavage and high quality embryo rate) and the pregnancy outcome (pregnancy, implantation, G-sac/high quality embryo and multiple pregnancy rate) were examined. And then, these results were compared among the group. Results: The rates of fertilization (62.7, 68.5 and 65.4%, respectively) and cleavage (95.6, 97.6 and 98.0%, respectively) were not different among the group. And the high quality embryo (HQE) rate also was not different among the groups (61.8, 62.9 and 62.8%, respectively). The pregnancy rate go group C (23.3%) was significantly lower than that of group A (41.2%) and B (48.7%). And the implantation rate was significantly decreased with advance in maternal age (group A; 17.3%, B; 12.6% and C; 6.0%). the G-sac/high quality embryo rate was significantly higher in group A (70.8%) when compared to group B (32.2%) and C (40,0%). On the other hand, the multiple pregnancy rate was significantly lower in group C (14.3%) when compared to group A (71.4%) and B (36.8%). Conclusion: The pregnancy rate was significantly decreased over 35 years. The G-sac/HQE and multiple pregnancy rate were significantly high below 31 years. Thus, these results suggest that the number of high quality embryo transferred should be limited by the age and another criteria for embryo quality evaluation were required for single embryo transfer.

키워드 : Maternal age, Embryo quality, Multiple pregnancy, High quality embryo

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