논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제20권 제1호 2010년

난관복원술전에 실시한 불임검사의 임신율 예측지표로서의 유용성에 관한 연구

인하대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실;


The Usefulness of Pre-operative Infertility Work-up in Assessing the Reversal Feasibility

Kang, Byung-Moon;

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Inha University;

Since the successful advent of IVF-ET, reproductive surgeons have been forced to compare pregnancy outcomes of surgical procedures for tubal infertility with those of IVF-ET. The current study was designed in an effort to determine the usefulness of pre-operative infertility work-up, especially diagnostic laparoscopy, in predicting the pregnancy rate and in assessing the reversal feasibility. 109 patients who underwent a microsurgical tubal reversal were reviewed. The patients were followed over one year. The total intrauterine pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, and ectopic pregnancy rates were 66.4%, 3.7%, and 7.3%, respectively. The result showed that the use of loupe might increase the chance of the ectopic pregnancy. I found that the final tubal length, especially the longest tubal length, the site of reanastomosis, and the methods of sterilization affected the pregnancy rates. A 85% intrauterine pregnancy rate was achieved in the patients with good preoperative assessments(Group II-1). There was only 10% incidence of intrauterine pregnancy in the patients with bad assessments(Group II-2). It is concluded that the pre-operative infertility work-up, especially diagnostic laparoscopy, is a good diagnostic tool in assessing the reversal feasibility.

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