논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제3호 2010년

체외수정시술주기에서 배아와 난구세포의 공배양 효과에 관한 연구

단국대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실

허의종, 박진완, 이원기,

Effect of Coculture System with Autologous Cumulus Cells on Embryo Quality and Pregnancy Rates

Hur ej, Park jw, Lee wk

Despite the rapid development of assisted reproductive technologies(ART) in recent years, implantation rates after replacement of embryos into the uterine cavity remains low. Several techniques such as culture conditions based on formulations of human tubal fluid and various ART techniques as GIFT, ZIFT, TET have been adopted in recent years to improve embryo viability in vitro and implantation rates. Also, coculture of human IVF-derived embryos have been used in an effort to increase the number of viable embryos following IVF and to improve synchrony between the developing embryo and the uterine environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the use of coculture with autologous cumulus cells has a significant beneficial effect on the development of embryos in vitro and its relation to the pregnancy rates in 120 patients with previous failed IVF-ET from September, 1995 to January 1998. We obtained the results from which significant improvement in the quality of viable embryos were observed using a coculture system with autologous cumulus cells, but pregnancy rates in this group of patients did not differ from the rate in the standard IVF group during the same period. Our study shows that a simplified short-term coculture system with autologous cumulus cells may help rescue moderate quality embryos to cleave regularly.

키워드 : Failed IVF-ET, coculture, cumulus cells, embryo quality, pregnancy rates

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