논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제3호 2010년

간이정신진단 검사에 의한 남성 불임환자의 정신과적 문제

성균관 대학교 의과대학, 삼성제일병원 비뇨기과1,, 정신과2

서주태, 김경희,

The Psychiatric Problem of Male infertility Patients by Symptom Check List-90(SCL-90)

Seo jt, Kim kh

It has been well known that infertile women experience not only emotional disturbance but also stress. But there is no concern about male infertility patients. So phychiatric symptoms were studied with SCL-90(Symptom Check List-90) in 30 infertile men who was operated testicular sperm extraction(TESE) in Samsung Cheil Hospital and in age matched 31 fertile men from Jan. 1998 to Ang. 1998. In 5 symptom dimension(Obcessive-Compulsive, In interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression, phobic anxiety, Psychoticisim) scores, The Infertile group scored significantly higher than the control group. The result revealed that infertile men also experienced substantially more psychiatric symptoms then fertile men. Considering this results, psychiatric evaluation and tender care by infertility specialist are necessary for infertile men during and after evaluation and treatment.

키워드 : SCL-90, Psychiatric problem

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