논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제25권 제3호 2010년

Chlortetracycline fluoresence 분석을 통한 수정능 획득과정에서의 Ca2+-ATPase 역할

상지대학교 한의과대학 해부학교실

박경식 ,

Ca2+-ATPase role in the capacitation and acrosome reaction assessed by a chlortetracycline fluorescence assay

Park ks

It has been reported that the Ca2+-ATPase and the Ca2+-Na+ exchanger play an important role for the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in somatic cells, the Ca2+-ATPase located in the plasma membrane helps the Ca2+ concentration in maintain low [Ca2+]i. Roldan & Fleming reported that the spermatozoan Ca2+-ATPase plays an important role in the capacitation and acrosome reaction. We used to assess Ca2+ changes by chlortetracycline(CTC) patterns in the capacitation and acrosome reaction of human and hamster spermatozoa. In the present study applying quercetin which has been known as an ATPase antagonist, the enzymatic effect of Ca2+-ATPase on capacitation and acrosome reaction was found to be remarkable : a significant increase of the transformation from the original type to the B type and the AR type of spermatozoa. This finding suggests that Ca2+-ATPase play an important role in the efflux and the influx of the Ca2+ which have been known to be an essential factor for the capacitation and acrosome reaction, and that the inhibitory action of the Ca2+-ATPase might be a prerequsit step toward the capacitation and acrosome reaction. In conclusion, this study suggest the considerable evidence as follows : the increment of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration occurred by controlling the slope of Ca2+ concentration through Ca2+-ATPase activites in both the intracellular and extracellular fluid may be important procedures for the capacitation and the acrosome reaction, and finally for fertilization of the sperm and ovum.

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