논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제31권 제3호 2010년

IVF, ICSI 또는 TESE-ICSI에서 수정을 유도한 난자의 배아 발생능력 및 임신율

경북대학교병원 산부인과1, 비뇨기과2, 대구대학교 생명자원학부3

박기상1, 박윤규2,송해범3,이택후1,전상식1

Embryonic Developmental Capacity and Pregnancy Rates of Fertilized Oocytes in IVF, ICSI and TESE-ICSI Cycles

Kee Sang Park1, Yoon Kyu Park2, Hai Bum Song3, Taek Hoo Lee1, Sang Sik Chun1

1Department of OB/Gyn, 2Department of Urology, Kyungpook National University Hospital and 3Division of Life Resources, Daegu University

Objective: This study was performed to evaluate and compare the embryonic developmental capacity and pregnancy rates in conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with ejaculated sperm or testicular sperm cycles. Materials and Methods: Fertilization was examined in the following morning after IVF (group I), ICSI (group II) or TESE-ICSI cycles (group III). Fertilized oocytes were co-cultured with Vero cells until embryo transfer (ET). On day 2 and 5~7, grades of embryos (<4- or ≥4-cell) and blastocysts (BG1, 2, 3 or early) were evaluated. Clinical pregnancy rate was determined by detecting G-sac with transvaginal ultrasonogram. We analyzed the results by χ2 and Student's t-test and considered statistically significant when P value was less than 0.05. Results: Fertilization rate was significantly higher (p<0.05) in group I (79.0±21.2%) than in group II and III (56.8±21.6% and 36.7±25.3%). Cleavage and blastulation rate of group I (95.8±13.8% and 59.5±25.3%) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of group III (83.4±18.6% and 40.4± 36.5%). Clinical pregnancy rate was significantly higher (p<0.05) in group I and II (40.7% and 41.7%) than that in group III (12.5%). No differences were found in the rates of multiple pregnancy and abortion among three groups. Embryonic implantation rate was higher in group I (15.1±20.2%, p<0.05) and II (14.7±20.6%, NS) than that in group III (5.1±15.6%). However, embryonic implantation rate was increased in ET with blastocyst(s) among three groups. Conclusions: Fertilized oocytes obtained from TESE-ICSI were harder to be successfully cultured to blastocyst stage for 5~7 days than that from IVF cycles. However, all blastocyst(s) ET increased the embryonic implantation rate equally in IVF, ICSI and TESE-ICSI cycles.

키워드 : Blastulation rate, Cleavage rate, ICSI, IVF, Pregnancy rate, TESE-ICSI

교신저자 : keespark@yahoo.com, mail.knu.ac.kr
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