논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제2호 2010년

한국인 조기 난소부전 불임환자에서 황체형성 호르몬 유전자 변이 분석

1포천중문 의과대학교 생화학교실 및 기초의학연구소 중앙연구실, 2차병원 여성의학 연구소 및 산부인과, 3분당 차병원 산부인과 및 불임센타, 4구미 차병원 산부인과

김남근1,2, 이유진1, 남윤성3, 이숙환1,2, 전혜선2, 박찬3, 김종욱4, 이경아2, 고정재1,2, 차광열1,2,

The Analysis of LHβ-subuit Variants in Infertile Patients with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) in Korea

Nam Keun Kim1,2, Eu Gene Lee1, Yoon Sung Nam3, Sook Hwan Lee1,2, Hye Sun Jeon2, Chan Park3, Jong Wook Kim4, Kyung Ah Lee2, Jung Jae Ko1,2, Kwang Yul Cha1,2

1Department of Biochemistry and Central Laboratories, Institute of Medical Research, College of Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Pochon, 487-800; 2Infertility Medical Center and Obstetrics & Gynecology, CHA General Hospital, Seoul 135-081; 3Obstetrics & Gynecology and Infertility Medical Center, Pundang CHA General Hospital, Sungnam 463-070; 4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kumi CHA General Hospital, Kumi 730-040, Korea

This study was performed to determine whether the LHβ-subunit gene missense mutation is present in Korean infertile patients with 46, XX POF women. The variants of LHβ exon 2 (Trp 8ARG; TGG to CGG and Ile15Thr; ATC to ACC) were studied in forty-four 46,XX idiopathic POF and 54 nonpregnant women. The LHβ exon 2 variants were more frequent in POF patients (20.5%) than nonpregnant (16.7%) women (p>0.05). POF patients with the variant was slightly higher than nonpregnant women with the variant.

키워드 : Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Missense mutation

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