논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제27권 제4호 2010년

사람 Y 염색체 특이 DNA Probe의 개발과 이를 이용한 FISH 기술의 임상적 적용

진주산업대학교 동물생명과학과1, 세화산부인과 불임/유전연구소2

류란숙1,2, 이상찬2, 이채식2, 김종흥2, 류은경1, 손시환1,

Identification of a Human Y Chromosome Specific DNA Probe and Their Clinical Application by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Techniques

Ran Suk Ryu1,2, Sang Chan Lee2, Chae Sik Lee2, Jong Heung Kim2, Eun Kyoung Ryu1, Sea Hwan Sohn1

Department of Animal Science & Biotechnology, Chinju National University1, SaeWha Obstetrics and Gynecology2


Objective: The present study was undertaken to synthesize a human Y chromosome specific probe and to confirm the usefulness of the probe for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in various types of human cells. Methods: An approximately 400 bp DNA fragment of the DYZI sequences was synthesized by PCR using digoxigenin labeled dUTP (dig-PCR). The fidelity of probe was tested by FISH for cultured and uncultured human lymphocytes, amniocytes, chorionic villus cells, embryos, sperms, and germ cells of seminiferous tubule. Results: The human Y chromosome specific probe hybridized specifically to Y chromosome of the cells that had been tasted. This probe assigned to the Yq12 region where the DYZI repetitive sequence is concentrated. Conclusion: We have identified a human Y chromosome specific probe that hybridized specifically to the Y chromosome by FISH for various types of uncultured as well as cultured cells. Therefore FISH technique using human Y chromosome specific probe should be useful for clinical application as a diagnostic tool for the detection of human Y chromosome.

키워드 : FISH, DYZI, Y chromosome, Amniocytes, Sperms

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