논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제24권 제3호 2010년

국소마취를 통한 정계정맥류 제거술

중앙대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실;중앙대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실;중앙대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실;중앙대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실;


Inguinal Varicocelectomy Under Local Anesthesia

Myeong, S.C.;Kim, W.B.;Lee, D.H.;Kim, Y.S.;

Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University;Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University;Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University;Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University;

The management of varicoceles was performed on 24 patients with testicular dragging pain and/or left lower abdominal pain under local anesthesia. The surgery was completed within 20 to 45 minites, postoperative complications were severe cord edema 3 cases, wound infection 1 case, epididymitis 1 case, and postoperative anesthetic duration was 90 to 150 minites. Therefore, these procedures is cost effective and safe surgical method.

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