논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제2호 2010년

배란유도제가 생쥐 미성숙난자의 성숙에 미치는 영향 및 여러 배양액내에서 생쥐 2세포기의 배아 발달에 관한 연구

전북대학교병원 산부인과 교실

임승현, 양춘모, 송희원, 이호성, 이기숙, 김종덕,

Influence of ovulation induction medicine on the nuclear maturation of mouse immature oocytes and developement of mouse 2-cell embryo in various culture media.

Lim sh, Yang cm, Song hw, Lee hs, Lee ks, Kim jd


난외표제: 배란유도제가 미성숙난자의 성숙에 미치는 영향. = Abstract = Purpose of the present study was to find the optimal ovulation induction medicine for the maturation and development of immature oocytes and culture media for 2-cell embryos in the mouse model. ICR female mouse aged 6 to 8 weeks, were stimulated with 5 IU PMSG injection. At 47 to 50 hour post-PMSG injection, ovaries were dissected out and oocytes-cumulus complexes were punctured. The oocyte-cumulus complexes were cultured in media containing various ovulation induction medicine, CC, HMG and Metrodin for 18 hours. Female ICR mice were stimulated with 5 IU PMSG and 48 hours later were injected 5 IU of hCG, then female and male mice were mated. At 48 hour post-hCG injection, oviducts were dissected out and 2-cell embryos were flushed. The 2-cell embryos were cultured in various media, Ham's F-10 media of milli-Q water(3o), Ham's F-10 media of HPLC(high performance liquid chromatography, Baxter) water, Medicult media, HTF(human tubal fluid) media for 96 hours. The results were as follows. 1. When the oocytes-cumulus complexes were cultured in 10-9㎍/㎖∼10-8㎍/㎖ of CC, those were suppressed in meiotic maturation(28.2∼33.7%). Whereas the oocytes-cumulus complexes were cultured in 10-7㎍/㎖∼10-4㎍/㎖, these were not effected in meiotic maturation(54.5∼72.7%). 2. When the oocytes-cumulus complexes were cultured in 10-4㎍/㎖∼10-1㎍/㎖ of Metrodin, those were suppressed in meiotic maturation(35.7∼41.5%). Meanwhile the oocytes-cumulus complexes were cultured in 10-7㎍/㎖∼10-5㎍/㎖, those were not effected in meiotic maturation (54.2∼70.3%). 3. When the oocytes-cumulus complexes were cultured in 10-5㎍/㎖∼10-4㎍/㎖ of HMG, those were suppressed in meiotic maturation (48.2∼50.4%). As being cultured in 10-7㎍/㎖∼10-6㎍/㎖, increased in meiotic maturation(75.8∼80.7%). 4. When the 2-cell embryos were cultured in Ham's F-10 media of milli-Q water(3o), Ham's F-10 media of HPLC(high performance liquid chromatograpy, Baxter) water, Medicult media, HTF(human tubal fluid) media, developmental rates to blastocyst and hatching for 96 hour were 50.0%, 45.2%, 71.5% and 95.6%, respectively.

키워드 : Ovulation induction, Maturation of immature oocytes, Culture media.

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