논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제2호 2010년

인체의 난관수종액이 생쥐의 배아발달에 미치는 영향 (II) :포배기내의 세포 수에 미치는 영향

성균관 의과대학, 삼성제일병원, 산부인과, 불임연구실1

궁미경, 전진현1, 송상진1, 송지홍, 홍수정, 손일표, 김정욱1, 강인수,

Adverse Effect of Human Hydrosalpingeal Fluid on the Development of Mouse Embryo (II)

Koong mk, Jun jh, Song sj, Song jh, Hong sj, Son ip, Kim jw, Kang is

In our previous study, we observed that hydrosalpingeal fluid (HSF) adversely effect mouswe embryo development and hatching. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of HSF as assessed by the blastocyst development rate (BDR) and by cell counting in vitro. HSF was collected from ninie patients undergoing salpingoneostomy to correct hydrosalpinx. Two-cell embryos were obtained from superovulated ICR mice. T6 medium and T6+0.4% bovine serum albumin were used as control media. T6 medium containing 10% or 50% HSF and 100% HSF from each patient were used as test media. Nine to 15 embryos were cultured in microdrops prepared from each of these media To assess the total cell number within each blastocyst, the blastocysts were fixed and stained with Hoechst 33342 to facilitate cell counting. The mean BDR in two control media were 88.7% and 85.3%. The mean BDR in media containing 10%, 50%, 100% HSF were 90.0%, 89.4% and 75.2%*, respectively (*: p<0.05). The overall mean cell count (+ SEM) in control media were 86.9 + 3.2 and 91.0 + 3.8. The BDR was affected adversely only by 100% HSF and not in media containing 10% or 50% HSF. Mean cell counts were decreased significantly only in blastocysts cultured 100% HSF (63.3 + 4.6; p<0.01) but not in blastocysts cultured in 10% or 50% HSF (90.8 + 4.2 and 81.9 + 6.1, respectively). Thus, it is concluded that HSF has no embyotoxic effect but has a mildly negatively effect on embryonic growth and development.

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