논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제2호 2010년

인간 조직에서 Heat Shock Protein A2 (HspA2) 단백질의 발현

대진의료재단 분당 제생병원 불임 및 생식의학연구소1, 진단병리과2, 비뇨기과3, 서강대학교 이과대학 생명과학과4

손원영1,5, 황서하5, 한징택5, 이재호1, 최윤정2, 김석중1,3, 김영찬1,4,

Expression of Heat Shock Protein HspA2 in Human Tissues

Son wy, Hwang sh, Han ct, Lee jh, Choi yj, Kim sj, Kim yc

In mouse, the heat shock protein 70-2 (hsp70-2) is found to have special function in spermatogenesis. Based on the observation, the hypothesis that human hspA2 (human gene; 98.2% amino acid homology with hsp70-2) might have important function in spermatogenesis in human testes was proposed. To test the hypothesis, we examined the expression of hspA2 in human tissues. Expression vector pDMC4 for expression of the human hspA2 protein using pTricHisB (invitrogen, USA) was constructed and the expressed hspA2 protein was cross-reacted with antiserum 2A raised against mouse hsp70-2 protein. Based on the cross-reactivity, we determined the expression level of hspA2 protein in human tissues by western blot analysis using the antiserum 2A. We demonstrated that antiserum 2A antibodies detected human hspA2 protein with specificity which was produced in the E.coli expression system. On Western blot analyses, significant hspA2 expression was observed in testes with normal spermatogenesis, whereas a low level of hspA2 was expressed in testis with Sertoli-cell only syndrome. Also, a small amount of hspA2 was detected in breast, stomach, prostate, colon, liver, ovary, and epididymis. These results demonstrate that the hspA2 protein is highly expressed in male specific germ cells, which in turn suggests that hspA2 protein might play a specific role during meiosis in human testes as suggested in the murine model. However, further studies should be attempted to determine the function of hspA2 protein in human spermatogenesis.

키워드 : Spermatogenesis, hspA2 protein, Sertoli-cell only syndrome, and western blot analysis

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