논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제2호 2010년

Pergolide에 반응한 Bromocriptine 저항성 고프로락틴혈증 1례

포천중문의과대학 산부인과학교실

남윤성, 한세열, 최동희, 윤태기, 차광열,

A Case of Bromocriptine Resistant Hyperprolactinemia Which was Responsive to Pergolide

Nam ys, Han sy, Choi dh, Yoon tk, Cha ky

Dopamine agonists are commonly used in the medical treatment of prolactinomas. Bromocriptine has been the most widely used ergot derivative for two decades. Its oral administration, at a daily dose of 2.5 – 7.5 mg, restored normal gonadal function and normoprolactinemia in about 80% of patients. Nevertheless, a subset of patients could not achieve normal prolactin levels or resume normal gonadal function despite 15 – 30 mg/day bromocriptine for at least 6 months. Subsequently, these prolactinomas were consedered to be resistant to bromocriptine. The percentage of bromocriptine - resistant prolactinoma patients reported in the literature varies between 5 and 17% according to the series. Patients with bromocriptine resistance or bromocriptine intolerance have, however, been treated with other dopamine agonists, such as lysuride, pergolide, cabergoline, or quinagolide. Until cabergoline recently gained a product licence in the UK, there was no alternative dopamine agonist with a licence for this purpose. Quinagolide(CV 205 – 502, Norprolac, Sandoz) is a non – ergot dopamine agonist with improved selectivity for the D2 receptor, designed to retain the active pharmacophore of bromocriptine without the ergot moiety that might be responsible for side – effects. We have experienced a case of bromocriptine resistant hyperprolactinemia which was reponsive to pergolide. So we report this case with a brief review of literatures.

키워드 : Hyperprolactinemia, Bromocriptine, Pergolide

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