논문 및 학회지

대한생식의학회지   제26권 제3호 2010년

자궁내막증 치료 전후 환자의 혈청이 생쥐 난자의 수정률에 미치는 영향

원광대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실

김기석, 민부기, 이희섭, 홍기연, 이선영, 박현진, 김흥곤 ,

The effect of serum obtained before and after treatment for endometriosis on in vitro fertilization rate of mouse oocyte

Kim ks, Min bk, Rhee hs, Hong ky, Lee sy, Park hj, Kim hg

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the serum obtained from patients diagnosed with endometriosis before treatment with the serum of these patients after treatment on developing mouse oocytes. Eleven patients diagnosed with endometriosis were selected randomly. All patients underwent laparascopic or conservative surgery and postoperatively were followed with a 6-month course of burserelin acetate of 900µg/d. Pretreatment and posttreatment serum supplements from the patients with endometriosis were obtained and the effects of these serum on the fertilization and develoment on mouse oocytes were analyzed. The total number of fertilization after 24 hours and embryos that reached blastocyst stage after 72 hours of incubation were compared. Results were compared with the Student T-test analysis. In the group of pretreatment serum supplements, 47% of oocytes were fertilized and 31% of embryo reached blastocyst stage. The other group of posttreatment serum supplements showed significant increases in total fertilization and blastocyst development, especially in the patients diagnosed with stage I and stage II endometriosis. In conclusion, the results of serum samples from endometriosis patients suggests the toxicity on fertilization and enbryo development decreases after treatment.

키워드 : Endometriosis/ Serum supplements/ Mouse oocyte and embryo.

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