
대한생식의학회 제53차 추계학술대회

포스터 확정 연제

포스터 확정 연제
인쇄순서 분류 접수번호 class1 class2 제목 교신
1 stem cells 53K10010 Basic Research OB/GY Cardiomyogenic potential of human umbilical cord stem cells 박세아 Se ah Park
2 stem cells 53K10015 Basic Research Basic Research In vitro differentiation of human umbilical cord-derived stem cells and human amnion-derived stem cells into hepatocyte-like cells 김지영 Ji Young Kim¹
3 stem cells 53K10016 Basic Research Basic Research Differentiation of human amniotic membrane-derived stem cells after cryopreservation into insulin-producing cells 김은수 Eun Su Kim¹
4 stem cells 53K10051 Basic Research Basic Research Directed Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Early Progenitors of Three Germ Layers within 3D Matrix 현병희 Byung Hee Hyun¹
5 stem cells 53K10052 Basic Research Basic Research Isolation of Single Cell-derived Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Clones from Mixed Cell Population 최성식 Sung Sik Choi¹
6 stem cells 53K10054 Basic Research Basic Research Shh gradients guide differentiation of motoneuron with different positional identities from P19 EC cell derived-neurospehres 정선민 Sun Min Jung¹
7 stem cells 53K10058 Basic Research Basic Research Guidance of axon growth on SiO2 micropattern surfaces during differentiation of neuroblastoma N2a stem cells 이동호 Dong Ho Lee¹
8 stem cells 53K10059 Basic Research Basic Research Maintenance and Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells without Feeder Layer 현병희 Byung Hee Hyun¹
9 stem cells 53K10017 Basic Research Basic Research Effect of flavonoid on in vitro proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cells 박세필 Chang Hyun Lee¹ ²
10 stem cells 53K10020 Basic Research Basic Research Improved in vitro development of somatic cell nuclear transfer bovine embryos treated with flavonoid 박세필 Jin Cheol Tae¹
11 stem cells 53K10026 Basic Research Basic Research 할구 유래의 생쥐 배아줄기세포주 확립 과정에서 배양액에 첨가된 LIF와 ACTH의 영향 전진현 조재원
12 oocyte biology 53K10008 OB/GY Basic Research Expression of ectodermal neural cortex 1 and its interaction with actin during the ovulatory process in the rat 최소윤 So Yun Choi¹
13 oocyte biology 53K10009 OB/GY Basic Research Interaction of B-cell translocation gene 2 with adenine nucleotide translocator 2 in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles of rat ovary 김선균 Sun Gyun Kim¹
14 oocyte biology 53K10011 Basic Research OB/GY Egr1, a critical factor for ovulation in the mouse ovary, is transiently induced by LH signaling pathway 송행석 Hyunjoo Kim
15 oocyte biology 53K10053 Andrology Basic Research 생쥐 Leydig cell에서 Bisphenol A에 의한 성장조절인자의 변화 김동민 김동민
16 ovarian stimulation 53K10018 Basic Research OB/GY Genes Stimulated by the Activation of PKCζ after LH/hCG Treatment in the Rat Ovary 서유미 You Mi Seo
17 oocyte maturarion 53K10034 Basic Research Basic Research Comparative functional analysis of malate dehydrogenase (Mor2) during in vitro maturation of the mouse and porcine oocytes by RNA interference (RNAi) 김은영 Eun-Young Kim
18 embryo biology 53K10019 Basic Research Basic Research Effect of flavonoid on the development and gene expression of bovine in vitro fertilized embryo 박세필 Keum Sil Lee¹²
19 reproductive endocrinology 53K10050 Basic Research OB/GY 생쥐 자궁 및 자궁내막기질세포에서 BMP2 및 Wnt4 유전자의 발현 강한승 강한승
20 reproductive hormones 53K10013 Basic Research OB/GY Estrogen differentially regulates the expression of small proline-rich protein 2 (Sprr2) family in estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent and -independent pathways in the mouse uterus 송행석 Hyunjoo Kim¹
21 reproductive hormones 53K10037 Basic Research OB/GY Progesterone과 TGF-β1에 의해 탈락막화가 유도된 자궁내막세포의 3차원 배양이 생쥐 2-cell의 발달에 미치는 영향 김휘곤 김휘곤¹
22 cryopreservation 53C10000 Basic Research Andrology Ongoing pregnancy after vitrification of human oocytes 길광수 Nae Young Youn
23 cryopreservation 53K10028 OB/GY Basic Research 동결-융해한 포배기 배아 이식에 있어서 동결시기에 따른 영향 한경옥 한경옥
24 cryopreservation 53K10045 OB/GY Basic Research The comparison of angiogenic factor levels between mouse ovarian tissues with vitrification and slow-freezing 최원준 Won Jun Choi
25 fertility preservation 53K10044 OB/GY Basic Research VEGF level in ovarian tissues after heterotopic autotransplantation in ICR mice 최원준 Won Jun Choi
26 sperm biology 53K10055 Andrology Basic Research 설치류 정소에서 nestin 발현 이재은 이재은
27 sperm biology 53K10056 Andrology Basic Research 사람과 생쥐 정자의 첨체반응 전후 Aquaporin7, 8, 9 발현의 변화 김동민 김동민
28 male factor 53K10012 Basic Research OB/GY Temporal expression profiles of early growth response factor (Egr) family and their cofactors in testes of immature and adult Egr1 deficient mice 송행석 Hyunjoo Kim
29 male factor 53K10057 Andrology Basic Research Anti-androgen에 의한 혈액-정소 장벽 밀착결합 유전자 발현 조절 이재은 이재은
30 male factor 53K10001 Andrology OB/GY 남성불임유전자인 DAZ 및 유사 유전자인 DAZL과 BOULE의 기능적 연관성 분석 이건수 김병혁¹
31 male factor 53K10033 Andrology Basic Research 정계정맥류환자에서 정액내 항정자항체의 임상적 의의 천원희 천원희
32 male factor 53K10007 Andrology Andrology 정계정맥류제거술 이후 정자밀도와 정자운동성의 정상화에 영향을 미치는 인자 김태범 김태범
33 male factor 53K10035 Andrology Basic Research 정관복원수술 환자의 특성과 출산 결과: 보험급여의 전,후 비교 황인상 황인상
34 PGD 53K10029 Basic Research OB/GY Investigation of Duplex-nested PCR and Triplex-nested PCR for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) 윤정아 Sung Ah Kim¹
35 ES 53K10023 Basic Research OB/GY Expression of Sall1 mRNA and protein in endometrial tissues of patients with endometriosis 김정훈 Ji Won Lee¹
36 PCOS 53K10014 Basic Research OB/GY Transcriptional profiling with a pathway-oriented analysis identifies dysregulated molecular phenotypes of endometrium in patients of polycystic ovarian syndrome 송행석 Hyunjoo Kim¹
37 IVF 53K10043 OB/GY OB/GY 저반응군 환자에서 과배란 유도시 경구 피임제 전처치의 유용성 김민지 김민지
38 IVF 53K10049 OB/GY OB/GY The length-effect of interval between the consecutive cycles on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) 김용진 Yong Jin Kim¹
39 IVF -ovarian stimulation 53K10039 OB/GY Basic Research Outcomes of patients with poor ovarian reserve in IVF-ET 권혁찬 Ji Ye Jung
40 IVF-ICSI 53K10022 OB/GY OB/GY Comparison of clinical outcomes between conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in ART cycles with low number of retrieved oocytes 전진현 Sun-Hee Lee¹
41 IVF-ICSI 53K10030 OB/GY Basic Research Impact of oocyte denuding time on intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes 김현정 Hyun Jung Kim
42 IVF-ICSI 53K10040 OB/GY OB/GY Risk of birth defects in pregnancies associated with IVF/ICSI : Ten years experience of a single IVF center. 조연진 Yeon Jean Cho¹
43 IVF-ET 53K10032 OB/GY Andrology Risk of Monozygotic Twins after Blastocyst Transfer: A Meta-analysis 장혜진 Hye Jin Chang, M.D.¹
44 IVF-ET 53K10047 OB/GY OB/GY 저반응군 불임여성의 체외수정에서 한 개의 배아 이식 시 임신에 영향을 주는 요인 김혜옥 김혜옥
45 IVF-case 53C10001 OB/GY OB/GY 과배란 유도후 발생한 뇌바닥동맥 혈전증 박준철 박준철
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