성체 및 배아 줄기세포: 한국에서의 최근 동향과 향후 방향
일시 2001년 10월 07 00:00:00일(일) ~ 2001년 월 일 (목)
장소 한양대학교 사범대 멀티미디어실
주최 대한줄기세포연구회 및 한양대 생명과학과 BK21 사업
참가비 10000 - 40000
문의처 02-2290-0957 한양대학교 자연과학대
홈페이지 http://www.bions.hanyang.ac.kr/BK21/index.htm
Workshop Program 8:00-9:30 Registration 9:00-9:30 Opening Ceremony Chaired by Dr. Hyun Soo Yoon (MizMedi Hospital) 개회, 국민의례, 경과보고, 격려사 (한양대 자연과학대 학장), 축사 (한양대 BT 사업단장) Session I (9:30-11:00)Stem Cell Fate Decision Chaired by Prof. Hae Kwon Kim (Seoul Woman's University) and Dr. Byung-Rok. Do (MizMedi Hospital) 1. Stem cell-ness and stem cell differentiation: expression profiling of genes involved in the control of pluripotency using cDNA microassay Prof. Chul Geun Kim (Hanyang University) 2. Self-renewal mechanism in mouse embryonic stem cells Prof. Seung Hwan Hong (Seoul National University) 3. Differentiation of embryonic stem cell into hepatic cells Dr. Berm-Seok Oh (Korea National Institute of Health) Coffee Break (11:00-11:10) Session II (10:10-12:00)Establishment of Stem Cell Lines Chaired by Dr. Sung Il Roh (MizMedi Hospital) and Prof. Hyuk Chan Kwon (Eulji University School of Medicine) 1. Efficient establishment of presumptive stem cells from bovine blastocyst by exposure to calcium ionophore Prof. Jae Woong Ryoo (Catholic Research Institute of Medical School) 2. Establishment and guided differentiation of the human and mouse stem cells Dr. Hyun Soo Yoon (MizMedi Hospital) Luncheon (12:00-1:00) Session III (1:00-3:00) Towards Stem Cell Therapy Chaired by Prof. Yong Sung Lee (Hanyang University College of Medicine) and Prof. Young Soo Kim (Hanyang University College of Medicine) 1. Isolation and practical considerations of human hematopoietic stem cells Dr. Anje Bauwens (Miltenyi Biotech., Denmark) 2. Differentiation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons from rat embryonic CNS precursors Prof. Sang Hoon Lee (Hanyang University College of Medicine) 3. The neural stem cell biology provides insights into new therapeutic potentials for CNS dysfunctions Prof. Kook In Park (Yonsei University College of Medicine) Coffee Break (3:00-3:10) Session IV (3:10-4:50) Promising Stem Cell Therapies Chaired by Dr. Jung Ae Lim (Major Hospital) and Dr. Hyuck Moon Kwon (Yonsei University College of Medicine) 1. Ethical aspects in the field of stem cell research Prof. Young Mo Koo (University of Ulsan College of Medicine) 2. Stem cells and diabetes Prof. Kyu Jeung Ahn (Eulji University School of Medicine) 3. Cardiomyocytes implantation in the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases Prof. Prof. Bum Kee Hong (Yonsei University college of Medicine) 4. Therapeutic application of stem cells in Vitiligo Prof. Ai-Young Lee (Eulji University School of Medicine) 5. Stem cell and implication for the treatment of cancer Prof. Seung Ho Choi (Yonsei University College of Medicine) Concluding remark (4:50-5:00) Closing (5:00)


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