번호 구분 일시 행사명 파일
32 국외 2001-09-22 ~ 09-27 5th World Association of Perinatal Medic  
31 국외 2001-09-22 ~ 09-27 5th World Association of Perinatal Medic  
30 국외 2001-09-12 ~ 09-15 Annual Regianal ISGE Meeting  
29 국외 2001-09-12 ~ 09-15 Annual Regianal ISGE Meeting  
28 국외 2001-09-07 ~ 09-09 Fetal and Women's Ultrasound in the New Millenium  
27 국외 2001-09-07 ~ 09-09 Fetal and Women's Ultrasound in the New Millenium  
26 국외 2001-09-06 ~ 09-09 The 2nd World Congress on Controversies OB & GY & I...  
25 국외 2001-09-06 ~ 09-09 The 2nd World Congress on Controversies OB & GY & I...  
24 국외 2001-07-20 ~ 07-22 Gynecologic Oncology Group semi-annual meeting(ONCO...  
23 국외 2001-07-20 ~ 07-22 Gynecologic Oncology Group semi-annual meeting(ONCO...  


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