ISIS 6 - International Symposium on Intrapartum Surveillance(PERINATOLOGY)
일시 2001년 07월 08 00:00:00일(일) ~ 2001년 07월 10 00:00:00일 (화)
장소 Botanical Garden
문의처 해당 학회 및 병원
홈페이지 http://www.perinatal.org.uk/isis/index.htm
For over a decade, two yearly ISIS meetings have tracked the latest developments and the state of knowledge in intrapartum surveillance. The new millennium again sees prolific research activity and once more, we have a programme to critically appraise current techniques and new developments. As always, there will be an emphasis on open debate, and for the first time, electronic voting keypads will also allow audience feedback on specific questions throughout the duration of the conference. For further enquiries, contact Sally Bonwick 행사: 행사 안내 Phone: +44(0)1216952255, Fax: +44(0)1216952478, EMail: Lennart.Norstrom@KK.SOS.SLL.SE


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