08:30- |
등록 |
8:50-9:00 |
인사말 |
회장 조 동 제 |
[Symposium I] Current topics in basic researches on reproduction |
강성구(인제대) |
9:00-9:30 |
Establishment of a basic system for manipulating preantral follicles |
임정묵(서울대) |
9:30-10:00 |
In vitro production of haploid germ cells |
이동률(포천중문의대) |
10:00-10:30 |
Embryonic implantation regulation through uterine gene net-works |
전용필(성신여대) |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
[Symposium II] 생명윤리법 |
김선행(고려의대) |
11:00-11:30 |
생명윤리법 |
김헌주(보건복지부) |
11:30-12:00 |
지정토론 |
이원돈(마리아병원), 윤현수(한양대) |
12:00-13:15 |
Lunch & poster presentation |
[Symposium III] Male Infertility |
박남철(부산의대) |
13:15-13:40 |
Semen analysis: How to interpret |
서주태(성균관의대) |
13:40-14:05 |
Medical treatment of male infertility |
문기학(영남의대) |
14:05-14:30 |
Surgical treatment of male infertility |
이성원(성균관의대) |
14:30-14:55 |
Techniques of sperm retrieval for ICSI |
김종현(미즈메디병원) |
14:55-15:15 |
Coffee Break |
[Symposium IV] Current issues in reproductive endocrinology |
이여일(전남의대) |
15:15-15:40 |
Convenience and Effectiveness of Puregon PEN (한국오가논 초청) |
김정훈(울산의대) |
15:40-16:10 |
Signaling of insulin and GnRH |
채희동(울산의대) |
16:10-16:40 |
Use of insulin sensitizer in polycystic ovary syndrome |
박원일(을지의대) |
16:40-17:10 |
Use of aromatase inhibitor in ovulation induction and COH |
서창석(서울의대) |
17:10 |
우수 포스터상 시상 및 폐회 |
전시 |
포스터 초록 |