
대한생식의학회 제55차 추계학술대회

구연 확정 연제

제55차 추계학술대회 구연 연제 확정

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* 학술대회 종료 후 우수 구연상 시상이 있습니다.


구연 확정 연제 (오전)
시간 접수번호 제목 발표자
09:00-09:10 53K10046 과배란 유도시 혈중 AMH와 난소 반응과의 상관관계; 예측인자로서의 효용성 Hyun Joo Lee
09:00-09:10 55K10004 Expression of Decidual Natural Killer(NK) Cells in Women of Recurrent Abortion with Increased Peripheral NK cells Hyun Joo Lee
09:10-09:20 55K10012 Insulin resistance is associated with lower anti-Mullerian hormone levels in women without polycystic ovary syndrome Hyun Tae Park
09:20-09:30 55K10025 Study on association between dynamics of calculated estradiol production and outcomes of in vitro fertilization in GnRH antagonist cycles Yong Jin Kim
09:30-09:40 55K10014 Factors Related to Improvement or Normalization of Semen Parameters after Microsurgical Subinguinal Varicocelectomy Woo Suk Choi
09:40-09:50 55K10017 PGI₂-induced PPARδ activation enhances blastocyst hatching in the mouse preimplantation embryos Hee Jung Kang
09:50-10:00 55K10021 Developmental cheritierization of preimplantation embryos in WBN/Kob rat,a diabetic model Ja Young Maeng
10:00-10:10 55K10033 Finding Common or Cell-Specific Genes in Oocytes and Embryonic Stem Cells Kyeoung-Hwa Kim
10:10-10:20 55K10015 The association between preimplantation embryo morphology and the incidence of chromosome aneuploidies Hye Won Choi

(오후 - 임상) 장소 : 대회의실

구연 확정 연제 (오후 - 임상)
시간 접수번호 제목 발표자
15:40-15:50 55K10027 배양액에 첨가된 멜라토닌이 인간 미성숙난자를 이용한 시험관아기 시술에 미치는 효과 유상우
15:50-16:00 55K10022 Optimal condition of vitrification method for cryopreservation of human ovarian cortical tissues Hye Jin Chang
16:00-16:10 55K10028 포배강의 인위적붕괴와 슬러시질소를 이용한 유리화 동결방법이 사용되는 포배기배아의 동결이식 프로그램에서 보조부화술 병용의 영향 석현하
16:10-16:20 55K10029 Effect of endometrial biopsy on patients undergoing in vitro fertilization Hoon Kim
16:20-16:30 55K10008 Comparison of clinical outcomes in ART cycles of poor responders with normal sperm parameters between conventional IVF and ICSI Sun-Hee Lee

(오후 - 기초) 장소 : 소회의실

구연 확정 연제 (오후 - 기초)
시간 접수번호 제목 발표자
15:40-15:50 55K10031 Investigation of multiplex nested PCR using hot start PCR for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) Moon Joo Kang
15:50-16:00 55K10026 배양액에 첨가된 엽산이 돼지 미성숙 난자의 체외성숙 및 배발달에 미치는 영향 김은선
16:00-16:10 55K10013 Comparison of conventional in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection: as the insemination method of human oocytes matured in vitro So Jung An
16:10-16:20 55K10010 Oxidative stress induced alterations in the mouse oocyte cytoskeleton and embryo development during in-vitro culture Won Jun Choi
16:20-16:30 55K10007 Dose-dependent effect of sphingosine-1-phosphate in oocyte maturation medium on subsequent mouse embryo development Byung Chul Jee
16:30-16:40 55K10018 Egr family of transcription factors are coordinately regulated by estrogen in the mouse uterus Jae Eun Lee
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