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임상분야 최우수 논문상 (머크세로노 학술상) |
김진주 | Prevalence of elevated glycated hemoglobin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome |
기초분야 최우수 논문상 (머크세로노 학술상) |
곽규범 | Epistasis between the HSD17B4 and TG polymorphisms is associated with premature ovarian failure |
우수논문상 (산부인과학 분야) |
황규리 | Effects of insulin-sensitizing agents and insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome |
우수논문상 (비뇨기과학 분야) |
이희대 | Causes and classification of male infertility in Korea |
우수논문상 (기초학 분야) |
장혜진, 이재훈 | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonist suppresses human telomerase reverse transcriptase expression and aromatase activity in eutopic endometrial stromal cells from endometriosis |
우수구연상 (기초분야) |
이향흔 | Effect of Antifreeze Proteins on Vitrification of Mouse Oocyte: Comparison of Three Different Antifreeze Proteins |
우수구연상 (임상분야) |
구화선 | Efficacy of Low Molecular Weighted Heparin (LMWH) Treatment in Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion (RSA) Patients with Decreased Uterine Blood Flow |
리란 | The Functional Role of Inflammatory Biomarker in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss | |
우수포스터상 | 임은진 | Dysregulated Expression Profiles in the Endometrium of Patients with Repeated Implantation Failure |
박미리 | The Role of Sohlh2 during the Meiotic Process |