학술대회 연혁 | HOME > 학술행사 > 학술대회 연혁 |
08:30 - | 등록 | |
08:50 - 09:00 | 인사말 | 최영민 (서울의대) |
Symposium I. Reproductive Urology | 좌장: 서주태 (관동의대), 김수웅 (서울의대) | |
09:00 - 09:25 | Critical appraisal of WHO (World Health Organization) 2010 parameters for semen analysis |
이원기 (한림의대) |
09:25 - 09:50 | HPV vaccine in male | 정홍 (건국의대) |
CERM 우수논문상 | 좌장: 김해권 (서울여대), 이원돈 (마리아병원) | |
09:50 - 10:05 | CERM 우수 논문상 기초부문 The effect of various assisted hatching techniques on the mouse early embryo development |
박성백 (대전미래여성병원) |
10:05 - 10:20 | CERM 우수 논문상 임상부문 Serum LH level and LH/FSH ratio but not serum AMH level is related to ovarian volume in Korean women with PCOS |
전성욱 (인제의대) |
10:20 - 10:35 | Coffee Break | |
Young Researcher Presentation from Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine (JSRM) | 좌장: 권혁찬 (미래와 희망병원), 이경아 (차의과학대학) | |
10:35 - 11:00 | The gene expression of the mammalian pre-implantation embryos | Kiyotaka Takagi (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) |
11:00 - 11:25 | Vitamin D has a crucial nutrition for reproductive age in Korea and Japan | Kuniaki Ota (Keio University) |
Special Lecture I | 좌장: 전진현 (을지대) | |
11:25 - 12:10 | Incorporating technical advances into the practice of assisted reproduction | Ronald S Carson (Melbourne IVF) |
12:10 - 13:00 | Lunch | |
Special Lecture II | 좌장: 한혁동 (연세원주의대) | |
13:00 ~ 13:45 | Do we have enough evidence for all we do in ART? | Johannes L.H.Evers (Maastricht University Medical Centre) |
Special Lecture III | 좌장: 이규섭 (부산의대) | |
13:45 ~ 14:30 | Endometrial stem cells: from reproductive to regenerative medicine | Hugh S. Taylor (Yale University) |
14:30 ~ 14:45 | Coffee Break | |
구연 | 좌장: 김정훈 (울산의대), 이동률 (차의과학대학) | |
14:45 ~ 15:45 | 구연발표 | |
Symposium II. Reproductive Biology and Gynecology | 좌장: 이성기 (건양의대), 계명찬 (한양대) | |
15:45 ~ 16:10 | Retardation of embryo development in vitro: arrest and slow cleavage | 이상민 (고려의대) |
16:10 ~ 16:35 | Implication of sperm damage and its epigenetics potential | 박용석 (가톨릭관동대학 제일병원) |
16:35 ~ 17:00 | Evidence based recommended clinical investigation of recurrent pregnancy loss | 최범채 (시엘병원) |
17:00 | 우수발표 및 포스터상시상, 정기총회 및 폐회 | |
09:00 - 17:00 | 포스터 전시 |