2022년 대한생식의학회 제85차 춘계학술대회. 일시 : 2022년 11월 26일(토)~27일(일), 장소 : 송도컨벤시아
  • 모시는 글
  • 프로그램
  • 등록안내
  • 사전등록 조회
  • 초록접수
  • 오시는길
  • 수상자 현황
  • 참석확인증
  • 구연 확정 연제
  • 포스터 확정 연제


2023년 대한생식의학회 제85차 추계학술대회 프로그램
08:30-08:55 등록
08:55-09:00 개회사 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
진행 장혜진 (대한생식의학회 사무총장)
Keynote Session I : KSRM-CHA Award Winner Lecture 좌장: 이택후 (경북의대)
09:00-09:35 Letrozole-induced mouse model of PCOS: Effects of time-restricted feeding 류기진 (고려의대)
The Future of ART 좌장: 이정렬 (서울의대) /
정미경 (서울라헬여성의원)
09:35-09:55 Automation and artificial intelligence in clinical practice 박현태 (고려의대)
09:55-10:15 Automation and artificial intelligence in ART lab 심상우 (아이앤여성의원)
10:15-10:20 Discussion
10:20-10:40 Coffee Break
Special Invited Lecture 좌장: 황경주 (아주의대)
10:40-11:20 Why do embryos fail to implant repeatedly?: Exploring the role of immune effectors Joanne Kwak-Kim (Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science)
Keynote Session II 좌장: 이동률 (차의과학대)
11:20-12:00 Epigenetic regulation in germ cell development and function 홍권호 (건국대)
2023 KSRM-CHA 학술상 시상 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
Luncheon Symposium 좌장: 김혜옥 (차의과학대)
12:00-12:30 What makes the difference of Follitrope? : from basic to clinical 이중엽 (함춘여성의원)
12:30-13:15 Lunch
Free communication
13:15-14:15 Oral presentation (기초) 좌장: 전진현 (을지대) /
전용필 (성신여대)
13:15-13:25 Effect of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) on early implantation using the three-dimensional spheroid model with human endometrial cell line, Ishikawa 구명주 (을지대)
13:25-13:35 Hypoxia-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles promote regeneration of the ovary in chemotherapy-induced ovarian dysfunction through enhanced angiogenesis 양희선 (서울의대)
13:35-13:45 Nesfatin-1 is involved in the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells as a local regulator 하진아 (서울여대)
13:45-13:55 Dibutyl phthalate impairs sperm motility via disruption of signaling pathways including the inhibitory phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3α and intracellular Ca2+ 박승현 (한양대)
13:55-14:05 Enhancement of Sperm Motility and Vitality by Probiotics: An In-Vitro Study 이재호 (차의과학대)
14:05-14:15 Adverse Effects of Particulate Matter on Endometriosis via Aberrant Inflammatory Pathways in a Mouse Model 신유리 (연세의대)
13:15-14:15 Oral presentation (임상) 좌장: 최영식 (연세의대) /
김용진 (고려의대)
13:15-13:25 The effect of 5-α reductase inhibitor on male reproductive function 이태호 (강남차병원)
13:25-13:35 Evaluation of antioxidant effect on IVF outcome between SOD and CoQ10, Randomized Double-blind study 윤혜경 (분당차병원)
13:35-13:45 An Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Clinical Pregnancy Outcomes in Fresh Cycle IVF-ET with Specific Cycle Parameters 백혜린 (분당서울대병원)
13:45-13:55 Association of peripheral natural killer cell percentage with age, body mass index, serum anti-m?llerian hormone, various autoantibodies, and thrombophilia-related markers in women undergoing in vitro fertilization 최현지 (분당서울대병원)
13:55-14:05 Comparison of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Level Change for Ovarian Reserve in Ovarian Endometriosis Lesion after Sclerotherapy and Laparoscopic Surgery 조은애 (아주의대)
14:05-14:15 Can intrauterine infusion of autologous platelet-rich plasma(PRP) for management of thin endometrium in euploid frozen embryo transfer cycles improve pregnancy outcomes? 이정현 (차여성의학연구소)
Clinical issues in Female Reproduction 좌장: 채희동 (울산의대) /
박찬우 (서울아이앤여성의원)
14:15-14:35 Micobiome as predictor of ART outcomes and role of probiotics 이인하 (연세의대)
14:35-14:55 Current embryo transfer practice: Standardizing the embryo transfer protocol & difficult cases 문경용 (아이오라 여성의원)
14:55-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:20 Coffee Break
Clinical issues in Male Reproduction 좌장: 류지간 (인하의대) /
송승훈 (차의과학대)
15:20-15:40 Induction of spermatogenesis in congenital and acquired hypogonadotropic hypogonadism : When and How? 조민철 (서울의대)
15:40-16:00 Impact of paternal age on reproduction 김동석 (차의과학대)
16:00-16:05 Discussion
Debates in Reproductive Medicine 좌장: 김미란 (아주의대) /
박준철 (경북의대)
Endometrial and ovarian Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
16:05-16:25 PROS 김지향 (차의과학대)
16:25-16:45 CONS 이현주 (부산의대)
16:45-16:55 Discussion 구화선 (베스트오브미 여성의원) /
김성우 (서울의대)
16:55-17:00 시상식 (우수구연상, 우수 포스터상) 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
17:00 폐회사 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
최상단으로 이동