2022년 대한생식의학회 제87차 춘계학술대회. 일시 : 2022년 11월 26일(토)~27일(일), 장소 : 송도컨벤시아
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구연 확정 연제

제87차 추계학술대회 구연 연제 확정

  • 1. 시간 배분은 발송드린 메일을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
  • 2. 11월 15일(금)까지 학회 메일(ksrm2023@daum.net)로 발표 슬라이드를 제출해주십시오.

* 학술대회 종료 후 우수구연상 시상이 예정되어 있으니 참석해주시기를 바랍니다.

구연 확정 연제
접수번호 제목
87K10011 Antibiotic Treatment for Chronic Endometritis: Effects on Pregnancy Success in Euploid Frozen Embryo Transfer
87K10013 Caffeine promotes cell migration, invasion, and angiogenesis in cultured HTR-8/SVneo extravillous trophoblasts
87K10021 Predicting Successful Live Birth in Frozen Embryo Transfer: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
87K10031 Sperm moving pattern analysis with artificial intelligence solution predicts aneuploidy ratios of zygotes.
87K10033 Average oocyte quality index in women with ovarian endometrioma undergoing in vitro fertilization
87K10008 Restoration of ovarian function in chemotherapy-induced perimenopausal mice using extracellular vesicles-derived from human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells
87K10012 The PEG-PLGA-based Antioxidant Delivery System Prevents Fertility loss and Preserves the Primordial Follicle Reserve Against Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Insufficiency
87K10015 Roles of ribosomal proteins in mouse preimplantation embryos
87K10024 Activated apolipoprotein A1 ameliorates ovarian vascular function in rats with metabolic disorders via the liver-ovary axis.
87K10026 The amount of cell-free mitochondria in embryo culture media can be utilized as a biomarker to predict blastocyst formation ratios, speed, and quality at the 5day.
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