2022년 대한생식의학회 제87차 춘계학술대회. 일시 : 2022년 11월 26일(토)~27일(일), 장소 : 송도컨벤시아
  • 모시는 글
  • 프로그램
  • 등록안내
  • 사전등록 조회
  • 참석확인증
  • 초록접수
  • 오시는길
  • 구연 확정 연제
  • 포스터 확정 연제
  • 수상자 현황


프로그램 다운로드
2024년 대한생식의학회 제87차 추계학술대회 프로그램
08:30-08:55 등록
08:55-09:00 개회사 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
진행 장혜진 (대한생식의학회 사무총장)
Keynote Session : KSRM-CHA Award Winner Lecture 이택후 (경북의대)
09:00-09:35 Fertility preservation and enhancement: Over a decade of ovarian research at FPELS 이정렬 (서울의대)
Special Invited Lecture 서창석 (서울의대)
09:35-10:10 Genome editing: From basic to applications 김형범 (연세의대)
Basic Science In Reproductive Medicine 전용필 (성신여대) /
정미경 (서울라헬여성의원)
10:10-10:30 Therapeutic potential of endometrial organoids in uterine repair 강윤정 (차의과학대)
10:30-10:50 Understanding of various technology for PGT 박상진 (Dx&Vx)
10:50-11:00 Discussion
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break
Clinical Issues In Female Reproduction 조시현 (연세의대) /
김용진 (고려의대)
11:20-11:40 Identification of the molecular mechanisms of endometriosis using omics data 조성범 (가천의대)
11:40-12:00 Endometrial receptivity test: Origin, background, overview 이인하 (연세의대)
12:00-12:10 Discussion
Luncheon Symposium 김미란 (아주의대)
12:10-12:40 New era of ART: Recombinant LH 김세정 (차의과학대학교)
12:40-13:10 Lunch
JSRM-KSRM Joint Session I Yukiko Katagiri (Toho University Omori Medical Center) /
Kyung Joo Hwang (Ajou University)
13:10-13:35 Scientific and social Issues in PGT Yoshiharu Nakaoka (IVF Nanba Clinic)
13:35-14:00 Premature ovarian insufficiency: Past, present, and future Seung Joo Chon (Gachon University)
14:00-14:10 Discussion
JSRM-KSRM Joint Session II Hiroshi Kishi (The Jikei University School of Medicine) /
Young Sik Choi (Yonsei University)
14:10-14:35 Clinical statistics of ART in Japan Seung Chik Jwa (Jichi Medical University)
14:35-15:00 Epidemiological research in women's health: Insights from Korean data Seung-Ah Choe (Korea University)
15:00-15:10 Discussion
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
Clinical Issues In Male Reproduction 서주태(서주태비뇨의학과의원) /
15:30-15:50 Update on the role of varicocele repair in the era of ART 정해도 (인제의대)
15:50-16:10 Sperm banking and donation: Where are we and how is it processed? 이경훈 (서울아이비에프 여성의원)
16:10-16:20 Discussion
Debates In Reproductive Medicine 지병철 (서울의대) /
윤지성 (아가온여성의원)
Time-Lapse technology: Does it increase IVF success rates?
16:20-16:35 YES 주창우 (마리아병원)
16:35-16:50 NO 구화선 (베스트오브미 여성의원)
16:50-17:00 Discussion
17:00-17:10 시상식 (학술상, 우수구연상, 우수 포스터상) 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
17:10-17:20 총회
17:20 폐회사 김수웅 (대한생식의학회 회장)
(국제회의실) Oral presentation (임상) 박현태 (고려의대) /
주종길 (부산의대)
10:10-10:20 Antibiotic Treatment for Chronic Endometritis: Effects on Pregnancy Success in Euploid Frozen Embryo Transfer 김은정 (차여성의학연구소)
10:20-10:30 Caffeine promotes cell migration, invasion, and angiogenesis in cultured HTR-8/SVneo extravillous trophoblasts 이정현 (한양대의대)
10:30-10:40 Predicting Successful Live Birth in Frozen Embryo Transfer: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 정혜경 (고대안암병원)
10:40-10:50 Sperm moving pattern analysis with artificial intelligence solution predicts aneuploidy ratios of zygotes. 문병준 (차의과학대학교)
10:50-11:00 Average oocyte quality index in women with ovarian endometrioma undergoing in vitro fertilization 김봉현 (분당서울대병원)
(국제회의실) Oral presentation (기초) 전진현 (을지대) /
이동율 (차의과학대)
11:20-11:30 Restoration of ovarian function in chemotherapy-induced perimenopausal mice using extracellular vesicles-derived from human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells 정동석 (차의과학대학교)
11:30-11:40 The PEG-PLGA-based Antioxidant Delivery System Prevents Fertility loss and Preserves the Primordial Follicle Reserve Against Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Insufficiency 유정영 (분당서울대병원)
11:40-11:50 Roles of ribosomal proteins in mouse preimplantation embryos 이승재 (광주과학기술원)
11:50-12:00 Activated apolipoprotein A1 ameliorates ovarian vascular function in rats with metabolic disorders via the liver-ovary axis. 박혜리 (차의과학대학교)
12:00-12:10 The amount of cell-free mitochondria in embryo culture media can be utilized as a biomarker to predict blastocyst formation ratios, speed, and quality at the 5day. 오승아 (차의과학대학교)
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